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So what is this about?

so... what is this about?

[patio] is an experimental and multiplatform publication focused on research on the creative process in Architecture and Art. The research process, given the complexity of the object of study, is based on a community model, trying to interact as much as possible with the reader, who becomes another creator of content, narrating in the first place his or her creative processes, resources, optics… To finally complete this vision with the experiences of the rest of the members.

The result of this research is characterized by the interaction and constant debate, but above all by the cultural exchange, which is proposed by holding meetings not only among professionals from various disciplines, but also among creators who are in various stages of their creative training, understanding the generational differences and the tools available.

This work, which is certainly ambitious, has been carried out since 2016 through Patio de Sombras, an initiative with a reflective purpose that gradually gained community value. [patio] is the evolution of this project, determined to develop and evolve together with the members who decide to be part of it.

Editorial information

Publication name.
[patio] | Architecture & Art
Place of edition.
Madrid, Spain.
ISSN. 2531-0143 (Update process)
Responsible editors.
David Ariza Pérez. Granada (Spain), 1993.
Álvaro Chico Gómez. Valladolid (Spain), 1987.
Alejandro Pérez x. (Spain)
Daniel Quesada LinaresGranada (Spain), 1993.

Address for notification purposes.
Lisboa st., 12, 2ºK, San Fernando de Henares – 28830, Madrid (Spain).
Phone number.
+34 678 82 20 09
Email address.

Terms and conditions of use.
Privacy and Cookie Policy.


Non correlative image.


Authors of opinion and research articles submitted to [patio] or previous projects, who have shown explicit interest in their publication and discussion. By order of publication:


Professionals who have participated in talks, projects and debates that have been published in [patio] or previous projects:

Partners & sponsors

Entities and people who have bet on the project of [patio] and Patio de Sombras, through contributions of prizes in the different competitions, or micro-crowdfunding platforms such as our Patreon. To all of them, a million thanks:
